Women are far more emotionally centred than men.
Seeking out love and security, not just for themselves but
their offspring.
So the story goes, but I hate to disappoint you.
Women have children to dead-beat losers in every city and
town on this planet.
You know exactly what I’m talking about here.
Shhhh…the Stasi like PC Police don’t like us talking about
stuff like this, so let’s do so in hushed tones.
Nah fuck that!
Just because a woman is in a relationship with the dregs of
society doesn’t mean it’s compulsory for her to spud-out sprogs left right and
centre, now does it?
Brats their biological ‘sperm donor’ benefactor, more often
than not, cares little for.
Brat’s that the mother along with the taxpayer becomes contributors
for, whilst loser X is off doing his own thing the same as the day he first met
his then partner.
To a man 'loser men' are never monogamists.
The thing is: woman know a loser when they see one and
seemingly don’t see it as a major issue impregnating them and doing the inevitable
Crime, alcohol, lack of work accruement don’t normally
first manifest themselves in a man in his 40’s.
They are normally obvious self-evident character flaws from day one.
9 times from 10 these men were obvious losers from the first
date, first time their bitch/skant (employing forms of scum-bag endearment) opened
their legs and forgot what day of the month it was.
So, why do women all-too frequently have children to losers, knowing they are losers?