Thursday, December 13, 2012


The moment I heard her son was named after a chemical element ‘Neon’ I knew we were dealing with a wacko alternative lifer.

This instant opinion was re-enforced when I heard her utterances that the protocol doctors were following was "really evil".

So what were these evil doctors doing exactly?

They were trying to save U.K based Kiwi mother Sally Robert’s son’s life.

Poor 7 year-old Neon has a brain tumour and doctors were proposing to treat him with radiotherapy.

So Roberts took her lad into hiding.

After a five day nationwide search British Police caught-up with the pair.  

Robert’s isn’t exactly sure what therapies will be effective saving young Neon only it’s not going to be radiotherapy.  

When you read the word therapy there is really another word that should be placed in front of it: alternative.

Robert’s estranged husband, Neon’s father Ben Roberts said he too was open to “open to other approaches.”

What these ‘approaches’ are, is open to interpretation.

Bathing the child’s head in goats blood under a full moon?

The legal system has now intervened to ensure Neon is saved from his parents border-line psychotic beliefs that they somehow know better than health professionals who like nothing better to do than in essence torturing children, ignore cures to satisfy their evil agenda.       

The parents waste valuable time seeking out cures which doctors say don’t exist.  

In these all too frequent cases the welfare of the child should be paramount.

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