I’ve come across a web-site of interest to non-believers and believers alike:
For some time now YesNoGod have been running a worldwide online Survey, asking a very simple ‘yes or no’ rhetorical question:
Do you believe in God?
So far 74% of Kiwi’s polled have said ‘no’, which in my appraisal is about right, and hardly if I do say so, not surprising to anyone who moves in mixed circles.
Pope John Paul called it right (2004) when he claiming Kiwi’s were far too secular and then called for a ban on sport & movies on a Sunday.
I’m not going to vouch for the statistical validity & robustness of these on-line polls.
But it is intriguing to see that after 112,829 votes (as at 11th August) the results show:
* Australian statistics are all-but identical to New Zealand’s.
For some time now YesNoGod have been running a worldwide online Survey, asking a very simple ‘yes or no’ rhetorical question:
Do you believe in God?
So far 74% of Kiwi’s polled have said ‘no’, which in my appraisal is about right, and hardly if I do say so, not surprising to anyone who moves in mixed circles.
Pope John Paul called it right (2004) when he claiming Kiwi’s were far too secular and then called for a ban on sport & movies on a Sunday.
I’m not going to vouch for the statistical validity & robustness of these on-line polls.
But it is intriguing to see that after 112,829 votes (as at 11th August) the results show:
* Australian statistics are all-but identical to New Zealand’s.
* The reverse for South Pacific Island’s (historically thanks no-doubt to those pesky & enterprising missionaries)
* Despite the high number of ‘yes’ voters up in ‘The Islands’, Oceania still came out as the most Atheistic region on Earth.
* The ratio of, 75% no versus 25% yes, seems to be the norm in Western, secular societies. The exception being the United States.
* Muslim countries are the most likely to say ‘yes’.
* The poorer and less educated countries tend to say ‘yes’ more. Take from this what you will.
* Worldwide, there’s an even split between the ‘yes’ versus ‘no’ camps.
Be sure to tear off to YesNoGod & cast your own vote.
I wish more people from Vatican city would vote. For a long time there has only been 2 Vatican votes - and one of them said no!. What's the world coming to.
The Vatican is listed as 50-50. Of course there are only two votes, but STILL!
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