Yesterdays Christchurch Press ran an article entitled ‘The Greatest Atheist on Earth’ to publicise the impending arrival in town of one: Richard Dawkins – here to promote his latest book ‘The Greatest Show on Earth’ - the week after next.
As the world’s greatest-known-living person espousing the virtues of living-a-life without belief in gods and the absurdity & dangers of religion, Dawkins must naturally by right, display in abundance all the attributes attributed to atheists.
That’s to say he’s must be an ungodly low-life in need of saving himself from himself.
One would expect the life of Planet Earths Greatest Atheist to be littered with ribald tales of his personal life, drug abuse, violence, brushes with the law etc.
But instead anyone who knows anything about Dawkins knows he is man of integrity and a powerhouse intellectual.
There is no dirt on Dawkins – no scandal.
In particular there’s nothing in his past to titillate the tabloids and for theists to scorn.
The World’s Greatest Atheist is instead a role model - a man whose intellect and contribution to the betterment of mankind’s knowledge is something to envy & behold.
His work in the field of evolutionary biology & evolutionary psychology makes him a world leader.
Here’s something for you to ponder.......
Over the entire history of mankind - name me one Church leader that has contributed to the knowledge of where we as humans came from & what makes us human - in same manner and with the same veracity as Richard Dawkins?
There is no dirt on Dawkins – no scandal
Well, that might have changed in recent days with the "Forum" scandal at his foundation's web site.
Pray-tell Tommy what scandal is this Richard Dawkins is directly embroiled-in?
Please tell me/us specfics to your allegations about the web site that bears his name?
PS: Have a go at answering the question mate as well.
It certainly does raise the question that even if God does exist, why should anyone care? Dawkins, like myself and innumerable other nonbelievers, lives a rich, morally laudable, rewarding and meaningful life. What's the church have left to do but try to convince us that our magical souls will get their comeuppance in the afterlife?
Attn: Mike please do something about the comments submissions on your blog - I've found it impossible to joint the fun (f.y.i)Paul
Paul, I'm not making accusations at all. I was just alluding to the dustup that has occurred recently over what happened with the changes made to the forum and the public spat that arose from it. I hadn't gone on Richarddawkins.net for a couple of years, and while I have read a few different accounts of it, I really don't have an emotional investment in it.
Hey no worries Tommy,I would like to hear about it in case I have to face questioning.All the best.Paul.
"Over the entire history of mankind - name me one Church leader that has contributed to the knowledge of where we as humans came from & what makes us human - in same manner and with the same veracity as Richard Dawkins?"
The Jewish Leader/Scribe, Moses. You just choose to believe Da wkins instead.
Yeah, I prefer the real world there Eufrat.
Like I would to believe-in a 120 year old man without an single historical reference outside those in the fairy-stories told in The Bible?
Only the uneducated, brainwashed and foolish even believe this Moses character even existed.
See ya.
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