Don’t ask me what a ‘Master Zenith Trainer’ is either?
Schreven has dropped both those titles for his New Zealand Tour and resorted to the Hollywood style “ Exciting teachers of life mastery” instead.
Nor does Schreven want the New Zealand public to outwardly know he’s a bible-banging, vehemently anti-Sunday worshipping, evangelical, and author of the worlds most corniest book-title ‘Rich God Poor God’.
The New Zealand public are being told simply that you can ‘Master Your Life in One Weekend’, ' Turn fear and failure into your friends' and ‘Find physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and financial success in a principle based motivation seminar’ etc.
These personal development seminars, coming to a Kiwi town near you, are being marketed by a company called ‘All Power Seminars.’ – not to be confused with ‘Free Go All Power’, ‘Goal Power’, ‘All Power Columbus’, ‘Master Vision Connections’ , ‘All Power Kids’ or ‘All Power Thinking’ which also happen to be part of Schreven’s empire.
Back home in Washington, Schreven is up-front advertising the company he heads as ‘All Power Ministries’ – but here in Kiwiland, Leo has conveniently dropped the God stuff from his front-line publicity – in order not to scare away the natives.
What would further scare the South Pacific natives back into the bush, would be a quick read of Schreven’s 1994 book "Now That’s Clear!" , in which he outlines that anyone who worships on a Sunday is in-fact worshiping the Beast and received his mark ($50 says it's 666) - doomed to burn in hells fires, along with your garden-variety atheist.
Yes indeed New Zealand, underneath the mask of being a motivational speaker of international repute, Schreven is a leading ‘end of times’ dooms-day propagator (refer You Tube Video below , go to http://www.goallpower.com/777/ where you’ll need to have your credit-card at the ready, or if you want a giggle, rather than renting ‘Mad Max’ tonight - why not google: ‘2300 Days, Tribulation and Judgment Hour’?)
But a filthy-rich speaker - it has to be said.
A globe-trotting millionaire which according to the public-record, runs many-of the numerous on-line entities he fronts – tax-free.
Big on ‘the end is nigh’, Shreven has toured The U.S Bible-Belt, telling the hicks about the impending dooms-day, and why they should immediately go into the lobby and buy his $49.99 tapes for the car, in-order to saved being burned in next Tuesdays apocalypse.
Revelations about raptures, plagues, Satanic councils running the world also appear at first glance, to be off the subject-matter for his New Zealand Tour – but given his pedigree they can never be far from the surface.
I’m almost tempted to attend one of his gigs and ask him if he does horoscopes as well?
Thank you for sharing this. I did a Google search on Leo Schreven as he is speaking in Sydney this weekend. Your biased sarcasm is transparent & it only served me to further investigate for myself. What I later found was to be a positive, motivating individual with intentions to help & guide others. The video you posted (whether you like it or not) reveals the facts of what is present in our society. I for one would like to spend my effort & time making it better... instead of wasting my time & effort on this type of negative material that is riddled throughout your website. I hope you have the backbone to keep this alternative viewpoint visible on your site as I am a sceptic also.
Thank you.
Hmm. Maybe you should have acted on your temptation to go the seminars. Then you would realise how good they are. Are you knocking something you haven't even been to?
Why doesn’t Leo's propaganda tell you about God and the impending doomsday till you hand-over your money and sit down at one of his seminars?Like I would spend a cent on a 'end of times' nutcase.Hope he bleeds you for every cent you have.
I been to New Zealand twice for three weeks each. Just three weeks ago, I attended a Leo seminar here in Bermuda. I know that Leo has something that will help New Zealand's serious problems. It's a natural fit, just what you need.
I'm happy I chose to not take NZ's opportunity to give me permanent residency. Don't be jealous that someone else has a happy, positive life.
Oh yeah I am so fucking jealous of this esoteric spruiker I lie awake at night tossing and turning in rabid heathen rage. I just hope one day I can stop the voices in my head from making me kill. I wanted Leo to change me for good but he was far too expensive so the killings will have to go on!
Me pregunto y tu que estas haciendo para cambiar el mundo? O solo te gusta estar escribiendo tonterias de tras de un escritorio?
It can be all said by your blog name 'Canterbury atheists'
Mainly the point "atheists" pity have the word canterbury in front of it as that is where I am from.
No matter what evidence is presented to you, you will always knock believers in God. Hopefully you will see the light one day soon brother. But at the end of the day you must believe that there is a God or why claim to be an Atheist ?
Wow, that video was powerful!...in a good way ;) Thanks CA!
Wow, it's amazing to here how negative you are towards such a outstanding man. I've seen the Allpower seminar for myself, and yes people do change their lives in one weekend. Shame you haven't done the same, might make you a little more tolerable.
I didn't know Leo was paying for comments as well.
CA, is your issue with Leo or God? No doubt you have no issue with Buddha, Mohammed, Dalai Lama, etc. But the minute God is mentioned you rant and rave and want everyone to hear your pathetic undertones of pure hatred. Keep it up stupid. In the end the one thing you will never realise until it's too late is that Jesus died for you and loves you beyond all measure. Comprende?
Hey it sounds like you have a massive inferiority complex :) God or not, this Leo sounds like he is far more in the know than you!
One can see CA's overwhelming positivity and hope presented in such a balanced and calming way! Makes me want to ditch the teachings of losers like Schreven and all of those others who seem so happy. Where do I sign up to join CA's little religion?
Im a young guy and i went to leo with an open mind. the seminars he offered were somewhat helpful. However. He marketed himself as 'hating' religion all weekend. as he was under the impression most aussies were atheiests. I am, however i have an open mind. Then after finding out the seminar was mostly cristians he changed some of the last seminars to include cristian values. however this so called religon 'hater' is a pastore in a 7th day adventis church.. After giving us good free seminars on health fitness, and money making skills etc he tryed to lure us into part 2 which was all 'spiritual' in which he subtly trys to brainwash you and convert you to hes ways. another thing i noticed is he told a story of a bad childhood from 13-15 filled with failed school and jail stints. when he taught a different seminar he was suddenly a businessmen from age 13 . with contridicting stories. This man is i admit a genious in hes own right. A con artist, a lier, but he is filthy rich. And for none of the reasons he trys to tell you. Hes rich because suckers go to hes seminars and get brainwashed into hes lies. sick sick man. i admire you leo. smart, fit, wealthy , intelligent amazing business man. But that is all you are. definately not this ' role model' he makes him self out to be.
Im a young guy and i went to leo with an open mind. the seminars he offered were somewhat helpful. However. He marketed himself as 'hating' religion all weekend. as he was under the impression most aussies were atheiests. I am, however i have an open mind. Then after finding out the seminar was mostly cristians he changed some of the last seminars to include cristian values. however this so called religon 'hater' is a pastore in a 7th day adventis church.. After giving us good free seminars on health fitness, and money making skills etc he tryed to lure us into part 2 which was all 'spiritual' in which he subtly trys to brainwash you and convert you to hes ways. another thing i noticed is he told a story of a bad childhood from 13-15 filled with failed school and jail stints. when he taught a different seminar he was suddenly a businessmen from age 13 . with contridicting stories. This man is i admit a genious in hes own right. A con artist, a lier, but he is filthy rich. And for none of the reasons he trys to tell you. Hes rich because suckers go to hes seminars and get brainwashed into hes lies. sick sick man. i admire you leo. smart, fit, wealthy , intelligent amazing business man. But that is all you are. definately not this ' role model' he makes him self out to be.
I attended his seminar.. (it cost me nothing) it changed my life,
I now have my own business..
I now have a wonderful amazing relationship with God..when it was barely alive before and that's just to start with....
You can have it all, and a lot of it is summed up with leo's program!
He made it quite clear that the second half was to teach the principles of the seventh day adventist church and also made it quite clear that if you didn't want to attend you didn't have to.. Most people left.. and (most missed out) on something that academically made absolute proof to me.
I made my decision to follow God with my mind, with logic, with facts..
Then I let my heart follow second. That's just the way I am..
But one of the things that REALLY stuck with me about Leo he said "you can't knock the bible until you've read it cover to cover"
Just like you can't follow Darwin without reading all his work.. and once you do.. you'll find that what we have been told about him has been twisted.
Wow you Have so much anger and hatred. Why do you speak with such disrespect to honest people who seek answers for lifes questions?
No need to resort to such profanity with your words, I just shows how biased you are.
Good luck with your personal issues
You are filled with rebelliousness and you have an unhealthy jealousy for anyone who is successful and prosperous because they believe in God and live by His principles. If you were truly honest with yourself, you would admit that any success or happiness you experience in your own life is because you live by some of the very principles founded and authored by the very God you deny exists. I will pray for you brother that you be delivered from the religion of emptiness you have chosen for your life's foundation. I will hand it to you, it takes more "faith" to believe you and everything around you happened by chance, and not by "intelligent design".
I came across your website by accident, however, I do not believe in accidents...so, why am I here? Well, because I am supposed to write this to you. Hopefully you will be brave enough to post. So here goes...I know Leo personally and he is one of the finest individuals out there. What you don't know is that YES, HE HATES RELIGION! Find that funny coming from a man of God? Well, don't. You simply don't understand what he is saying. I invite you to watch his newest series on his allpowerministry website called "Why Jesus Hates Religion" with an open mind and you may learn something.
Also, you make the comment he is a filthy rich millionaire. Leo is wealthy but he has earned every penny in an honest upfront way. God does not want us in poverty. God tells us to PROSPER. Do you have a problem with prosperity? I would think not. So, please do not prejudge someone you have never heard speak, never met or know nothing about. Why would you want to hate like that? Even if you don't believe in God, surely you believe in Good, so why not spread a little Goodness, for Goodness sake!
I googled Leo's name and came across this website! Leo changed me and my husband's life for the better and I can not believe how shallow this atheist is! He sounds to be really having a hard life, sad life, BAD LIFE no hope of whatsover, he sounds like all the troubles in the world is upon him. I feel sorry for you!
I went. It cost me NOTHING.... AWESOME. There was no 'bible bashing' that you talked about. It was enormously interesting actually and HAS changed my life. He did offer more free bible seminars after that but I didn't go to those. But the 'All Power' ones were AWESOME and you guys are REALLY missing out just because you're too angry or something. Who is the nutjob then? The one who isn't willing to learn coz they don't like the teacher? hmmm I'd say so.
Leo's conference changed my life. I was broke, on the verge of divorce and incredibly unhappy. Today I have my own successful business earning $50k per month and the sky is the limit. My wife and I patched our broken relationship and she and I worked together to build our business. I have lost 25kg and I run 5km three times a week. I have reversed my diabetes and no longer take insulin or half of the medication I used to. The conference I attended of Leo's was free. But you are right he did profit from that conference. He got to help someone like me become the person I am today! I'd really like to see your metal and see if you allow this on your site!
Leo died unexpectedly on December 1.
A couple of years ago he had a plan to buy an ad showing that Saturday is the true Sabbath (and Sunday is for football!) on the USA Superbowl broadcast that he believed would get approximately a million people to ultimately be baptised into the Seventh Day Adventist church as a result. He said that was the conservative calculation. Some of his followers were pledging the money, the aim was to raise a few million for the 30second ad, but it was far from reaching the target and the website for it has now been removed.
From another of his documents downloaded from his site (some will agree, some will be appalled!): "So the next question is, who is the biggest theif in the world? It is the IRS. If I were to go to the shopping mall and find you there, and put a gun to your head and tell you to give me the contents of your
wallet or I!ll kill you, I am pretty sure you would report that as a crime of stealing. But let!s say an hour before I stole your wallet, I gathered a crowd around me at the mall and I told them that I was going to have some money from a wallet I stole that I would distribute among them. What would you call that? That is the IRS. If the law takes from some persons what belongs to them and gives it to other persons to whom it does not belong, or if the law benefits one citizen at the expense of another citizen we would normally call that a crime!
Remember the government is not capable of producing anything. Everything it has it has stolen from you. Government is like a parasite and its sucks off of you!"
Get rich with him and his friends: http://www.allpowerseminar.com/leo-s-1-wealth-creation-secret/
And give him your money as a donation as well: http://www.allpowerseminar.com/donate-to-leo-s-non-profit/
To Canterbury Atheist...Leo doesn't tell you about that as you'd be right away turned off. The problem is that if you would take the time to study the Bible and it's end time prophecies you might know what you're in for. And that, my friend might just save your life. Does anyone really think life will go on forever and ever the way it has been? Seriously?
Leo Schreven is dead.
I don't have a link, but have heard it was suicide
Bloody hell, didn’t he just walk across the entire U.S?
Can’t see anything to directly say he took his own life but either-way 51 is way too young to die.
Sad to hear about things like this.
Yep, if you go back to his site, you will see the sad and bizarre news that he actually ended his own life! He killed himself in the early morning hours of December 1st, 2012, from what I gather with a gunshot wound. It turns out he had been suffering mental illness for years, which had recently become more serious. Rather than seeking the psychological help he needed for his psychosis, he ended his life in a foolish and cowardly act, disregarding all of his own teaching in the process.
Yep, if you go back to his site, you will see the sad and bizarre news that he actually ended his own life! He killed himself in the early morning hours of December 1st, 2012, from what I gather with a gunshot wound. It turns out he had been suffering mental illness for years, which had recently become more serious. Rather than seeking the psychological help he needed for his psychosis, he ended his life in a foolish and cowardly act, disregarding all of his own teaching in the process.
The Final Word!...
I was Leo's roommate in high school. Leo was an avid skier. Even was on the backup roster for the US Ski Team. You see I've known Leo since I was 15 years old. I known his family well. Leo was a dynamic, troubled soul. I was greatly influenced by his ideas and out going personality. The fact that he was instrumental in saving me from a life which can only be called Waco Lite - since the principal was the same person who influenced David Koresh. The school she ran was taken away from her after the Canadian goverment stepped in because she had a nervous breakdown. Leo was a product of that religious cult. Leo meant well. But in the end his mind could not handle the pain his heart felt. I have a few choice words for all of his friends and his enemies. LEAVE LEO ALONE! Only time will tell who has walked the path which leads to all things true. Only in time will the truth be revealed. Leo is dead! He took his own life. May the Great Spirit watch over his family is my deepest wish. Peace! OUT...
I can add one sure thing Leo says: God owns
everything he has. I learned much from the biblical principles he presented. I was encouraged to prosper in this life to the glory of God and to the benefit of others. It was a blessing when a colleague shared Leo's All Power Seminar videos with me and I was already a Seventh Day Adventist. More blessings as I listened and shared Leo's presentation on Revelation and the second coming of Christ. C A. I pray , the eternal God of Love and Mercy bless and touch you in Jesus name. Amen
why are we fighting over leo's death just go ahead and prove his teachings wrong? was any one there at his time of death! does anyone knows what transpired between him and God at his time of death? How do we know he actually killed himself and it was not a plan to appear so? His teaching is what stands out. The way he display the simple knowledge that we take for granted. That! has transformed many lives.
Sorry Anonymous, that was an emotionally-driven comment. We know Leo took his own life because his own family admits it. They certainly didn't pull the trigger. Leo had some good teachings but was mentally-imbalanced, and by his suicide he destroyed his own ministry. All Power has been since shut down by his family--no surprise. If he had been following scripture, he would still be with us...
Leo has passed away - and all his "ventures" have been closed by whoever was helping him run them - but you can see the All Power Seminar here if you are interested:
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